Working with more manufacturing partners all around the globe, we help maintain coherence in our corporate behavior with the implementation of our policies embedded in our Code of Conduct.
All policies are understood, agreed with, and signed by each of our suppliers.

Our Code of Conduct is based on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) set in the areas of: Human- and Labor Rights, Environment, and Anti-Corruption. To promote close cooperation, dialogue, and a strong risk culture we conduct self-assessments and third-party audits with Amfori BSCI and SEDEX/
SMETA on a regular basis.
Read our Code Of Conduct here.
We respect all human rights as defined in and recognized by internationally agreed human rights organizations. When operating in countries where local regulations are less stringent than international human rights standards, we will follow international standards. This policy applies to Minimum and our business partners, retailers, vendors, and suppliers. While our business can help to promote human rights in certain areas, we recognize that we first and foremost have a responsibility to respect human rights of all individuals along our value chain.
Read our Human Rights Policy here.
The use of child labour is not allowed throughout our entire supply chain. Minimum recognises all children's right to be protected from environments interfering with or being harmful to their education, development, and physical/mental health. Our definition of child labour is based on conventions and recommendations by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Download our Child Labour Policy here.
We recognize that the largest environmental impact of our business comes from our product purchases, the use of our products and their subsequent disposal as waste and therefore we are taking on a precautionary approach to all operations applied in the making of our products.
Read our Environmental Policy here.
Minimum is committed to adhere to the UN Convention Against Corruption and we expect the same commitment from our suppliers. To respect and abide by the principle of ‘Anti-corruption’, suppliers shall work against corruption in all forms. Suppliers must establish adequate processes to avoid corrupt practices. Such processes should support and be in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
Download our Anti-Corruption Policy here.
As an anchored part of our company values, we do business with a high sense of moral and ethics. It is of utmost importance to us that no people, natural environments or animals are adversely affected during the production of our goods. Be it at the cottonfield, the stitching factory or our warehouse.
Download our Ethical Sourcing Policy here.
Minimum is naturally acting in accordance with REACH; the European legislation that stands for registration, evaluation, authorisation, and restriction of chemical substances. We demonstrate our compliance based on close cooperation with our suppliers and continual chemicals testing. Every season we do sample tests to ensure that our fabric and trim complies with REACH.
Download our Chemicals Restrictions Policy here.
Our concern for animal welfare is of high importance and we do not allow animals to be harmed in the name of fashion. All animal derived materials used in our manufacturing processes are sourced to meet high ethical standards. We have a total ban on fur and we only accept the use of leather that have been bred for the food industry.
Download our Animal Welfare Policy here.